I was recently on assignment in Nepal for a week and
fortunately this time I had taken my tripod along , yes, a full height tripod, not one of those small 10 inch table top ones!
Most photographers, including me, are reluctant to take a
full size tripod with them while travelling. The reasons are obvious – weight, length,
lack of portability and a hassle to carry around. However, in some situations a
tripod is invaluable as this photograph will show.
NIkon D90, 16-85 VR lens at 20 mm, ISO 250, WB Auto, 4 sec at F/11 |
I was walking one evening around 7 pm in the streets around Thamel heading back to my hotel
after a long day’s shoot and yes carrying the tripod! Near my hotel in a street intersection I
found this temple. I was able to put up my tripod at the corner of the
street and was able to take a series of long exposure photographs.
The beauty
of this was that I did not need to crank up my ISO – it was set to 250 as
normal. To get good depth of field I stopped down the lens to F11 and used matrix
metering from the centre of the temple to set the shutter speed – I did not underexpose
or overexpose. I took a series of six shots of which this was one of the better
The same photograph could have been taken technically, hand held, by cranking up the ISO to say 3200, opening up the aperture to say f3.5 and setting a speed of say 1/20 of a sec or so and hoping that VR would take care of the camera shake, but I doubt if the results would have been the same. I did not try it!